Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Flower Givers Perceived As Successful And Caring

Research reveals that those who send flowers, in comparison to others gifts, are viewed as successful, caring and emotional intelligent people.

Flowers create instant delight and happiness, and increase enjoyment and life satisfaction. Upon receiving a gift of flowers, female study participants responded with true smiles and reported positive moods that lasted for days. The presence of flowers also led to increased contact with family and friends.

Flowers have evolved to activate positive emotional responses from people, having the potential to put a smile on our face and sway our opinion of a friend, colleague or loved one. That's pretty powerful!

Gift recipients experience compelling connections with givers, and the positive link is particularly evident in the exchange of flowers. CEO's and leadership teams at some of the world's top global companies, will see powerful implications of gratitide and appreciation.

A simple call to the florist can make a big impact beyond conventional gifting occasions. Some favorite, unexpected gifting opportunities include surprise recognition for a job well done; an "I miss you" gift for an out-of-town family member, and a simple gesture of "thanks for having us" upon visiting a friend's house.

A successful person is not nescessarily someone with a lot of money and material goods, but rather someone who is in tune with people and knows how to touch their hearts. Not much besides flowers evokes such positive feelings and perceptions for both the giver and the recipient.

Send us your comments and let us know what you think on the power of giving flowers and if you have been on the receiving end of someone's thoughtfulness and generosity.